Parental Alienation Awareness Day Parental Alienation Awareness Day - April 25

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Fall of 2005 Sarvy Emo learns about Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting because of what her friend's children were going through. Trying to directly educate the children's other parent and family about how their behavior was harming the children yielded no positive results, so Sarvy Emo tries to publish an article about the harm Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting behaviors do to children in the local paper, but gets refused. So Sarvy Emo thinks of the idea of an Awareness Day in an effort to try to get as many people as possible to educate Roger's ex, her family, and the media, about how PA and HAP behaviors harm the innocent children in the middle. Of course, Awareness Day very quickly became more than about 2 children, but about ALL the children all over the world experiencing these harmful behaviors.
December 2005 Sarvy Emo launches the first Parental Alienation Awareness Day website, with target Awareness Day being March 28th, Roger's birthday.
January 2006 Sarvy Emo emails Dr. Warshak to ask his assistance. He suggests moving Awareness Day to April 25th, the day he will be in Toronto to present a workshop about the topic. Sarvy agrees, a decision she regrets forever, but a decision that worked out for the betterment of Awareness Day as April is Child Abuse Awareness month in the United States.
mid-February 2006 Sarvy Emo meets Robin Denison and Kim Griswold in a newsgroup. They become pivotal both in the success of Awareness Day and the following Organization that was formed from it.
April 2006 Hazel Davis has the idea of asking her State Governor, Joe Baldacci, to officially proclaim April 25th as Parental Alienation Awareness Day! This gives PAAO the idea to go after all US States and Canadian Provinces. Robin Denison spearheads the effort.
April 2006 The 1st Annual Parental Alienation Awareness Day is a huge success with participants from around the globe, showing just how wide spread this problem is!
Mr. Harvey Shapiro does a workshop on Parental Alienation in Toronto, and in Miami.
PAAO offers a 24hr marathon of free chat room sessions with volunteer professionals, including Dr. Catherine Cain, Dr. Michael Bone, Dr. Ken Lewis, Dr. Amy Baker, Dr. Robert Evans, Dr. Barry Brody, Dr. David Britton, Dr. Reena Sommers, Dr. Pamela Wright, Christina McGhee. .
August 2006 Sarvy Emo, Robin Denison and Neil Vercoe register a Canadian based global organization named Parental Alienation Awareness Organization (PAAO) with its' mission being education and awareness of these issues.
September 2006 Harvey Shapiro, Kim Griswold and Dr. Ludwig Lowenstein join the Board of Directors of PAAO.
April 2007 Thanks to hundreds of volunteers, the 2nd Annual Parental Alienation Awareness Day is an even bigger success than the previous year. With media and television mentioning the date, more U.S. States proclaiming April 25th Parental Alienation Awareness Day as well as the country of Bermuda proclaiming the day, and a 2-day Conference co-sponsored by PAAO held in Florida, offering Continuing Education credits to professionals attending to learn more about Parental Alienation. Speakers include: Dr. Stephen Ceci, Dr. Michael Bone, Dr. Randy Kolin, Dr. Stephen Herman, , Dr. Douglas Darnall, Attorney Charles Jamieson, Attorney David Carico and retired Police Officer, Harvey Shapiro.
February 2008 New Board is elected to PAAO by its' members. The new board consists of Sarvy Emo, Kim Griswold, Robin Denison, Robert Samery, Roger van Maris, Catherine McWillie, Chrissy Chrzanowski, Will Hayes.
April 2008 The 3rd Annual Parental Alienation Awareness Day goes smoothly with peaceful rallies and events all over the globe. PAAO sponsors a series of webinars offering Continuing Education hours to professionals. Presenters include Harvey Shapiro, Dr. Reena Sommer, Dr. Michael Bone, Dr. Robert Evans, Dr. Ken Lewis, and Jeff Parks LMFT.
August 2008 PAAO changes their logo to the blue and pink heart to better represent their mission and mandate.
August 2008 PAAO's application for Charitable status finally gets accepted, retro-active to August 2007.
2010 Sarvy Emo adds the idea of Bubbles of Love Day to PAAD to give it a positive spin and make it more palatable to the general public, a more fun event to do, and enabling the ability to get kids to join in easily and spread the positively spun message. Everyone agrees children should love and be loved by both parents and sides of their family without fear and guilt! And everyone loves bubbles!


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